Answered By: Bruce Gilbert
Last Updated: Aug 02, 2022     Views: 82

Question: How do I find the impact factor of an open access journal such as Pharmacy Practice?


Although there does not appear to be an impact factor available for the open-access journal, Pharmacy Practice, there is some ranking information available at:


If you scroll down on the help page

there is a section “Understand tables and charts” which helps explain the information presented.

The linked Wikipedia article explains the H-index as an alternative to the traditional impact factor.


The following descriptions of the source and company are from their web site:


Scimago Journal & Country Rank


Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) is a web analytic environment to analyze, monitor and evaluate scientific journals on one hand and national science systems on the other. It has been developed from the bibliographic and citation information contained in Elsevier's database Scopus. The SJR website includes more than 17,000 journals and 233 countries to date.